Articles are original papers that demonstrate innovative conceptual, methodological, and/or empirical research with a focus on Southeast Europe. Articles should display a relevance to the disciplines of political science, history, law, sociology, economics, cultural studies, gender studies, or anthropology.
Interdiscpilinary approaches are highly welcomed. Articles should focus on contemporary affairs, but the CSE also accepts historical research if it aids the understanding of current affairs. The manuscript, including footnotes and bibliography, should not exceed 9,000 words.
Election Analyses are short original papers focusing on current election in one of the Southeast European countries with an analytical and explanatory claim. The manuscript, including footnotes and bibliography, should not exceed 5,000 words.
Event Analyses are short original papers focusing on current events (i.e. protests, constitutional changes etc.) in one of the Southeast European countries with an analytical and explanatory claim. The manuscript, including footnotes and bibliography, should not exceed 5,000 words.
This journal follows a double-blind reviewing procedure. This means that the author will remain anonymous to the reviewers throughout peer review. It is the responsibility of the author to anonymise the manuscript and any associated materials.
Each manuscript is assigned to an editorial board member for review. The editor appoints two external peer reviewers for feedback. The manuscripts are being forwarded to the reviewer in anonymous form. If the reviewers suggest revisions to the manuscript, the revised text is subjected to a second review by the same reviewers.
Authors are obliged to revise their manuscirpts according to the suggestions and additionally submit a letter, responding the reviewers’ feedback and addressing their revisions. In the event of conflicting opinions among the reviewers, the journal engages a third reviewer for feedback. The Editor-in-Chief gives the final decision on publication on the basis of the double-blind peer review process.
The submitted manuscript can not have been published before anythere else. All authors and co-authors must approve of the publication. The publisher will not assume legal responsibility should there be any claims for compensastion.
Authors are obliged to require permission by the copyright owners if they wish to include figures, tables, text passages that have been pubished elsewhere. Authors must submit evidence that such persmission has been granted when submitting their manuscripts. Any other materials will be considered to originate from the author.
Follow this link to upload your manuscript via the online submission form.
All manuscripts and including sources must be sumitted in editable formate. Manuscript texts always must be sumitted as .docx files. Images, tables, figures, maps must be incorporated in the MS Word document.
Please include a short biography, your current affiliation, and a picture of yourself in the submission for publication on the journal’s website.
The title should be concise and informative.
Please include three to five keywords for indexing purposes.
Please provide an abstracts of 150 to 200 words outling the main findings of the paper, including objective, methods, and results.
Please use the Century Schoolbook font; size 10; block setting and hyphenation for the body of text, footnotes, and bibliography
The text body, footnotes, and bibliography should be single spaced and in block setting.
Use italics for emphasis, for example to draw attention to key terms, phrases or when prividng defintions. “Double quotation marks” are used for direct quotes, as well as for reference to titles of books, book chapters, and articles. ‘Single quotation marks’ are used either to indicate a quote within a quote, the unusal use of a word, or to suggest that the author wants to distance themselves from a certain expression.
Please use two single spaces prior to each heading and no space between the heading and the paragraph. Use the decimal system of headings with no more than three levels.
Please adhear to the following formatting:
Heading 1 Use this style for first-level headings
Heading 1.1 Use this style for second-level headings
Heading 1.1.1 Use this style for third-level headings
References of sources in any other alphabet than the Latin (e.g. Cyrillic, Greek) must be transliterated.
If possible, please use English editions of secondary sources. If you use primary sources in any language other than English, please give the original title. Original titles (e.g. party names, local organisations, geographical toponyms, etc.) should be put in brackets and written in italic. EXAMPLE: … the Croatian Democratic Union (Hrvatska Demokratska Zajdnica, HDZ). Please use the abbreviation in the original language.
Please use following style: 0.6; 10.5; 124.7; 3,995; 5,777.4; 64,677; 654,555; 2,766 544.
Please use the following example throughout the body of text, footnotes and bibliography: 12 June 1993.
Before using any abbreviations, please indicate the full name plus an abbreviation in brackets (i.e. International Monetary Fund (IMF)).
Please use short hyphens throughout the body of text, footnotes and bibliography.
Acknowledgements may only be incorporated in the final version of the article, after peer-review process has been completed. Acknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section following the conclusion. The name(s) of the funding organization(s) should be written in full.
back to topAll quotations shall be used in a logical and conclusive way, in order to support own arguments. Citations for quotations must always be given in an appropriate footnote and be clearly discernible and distinguishable from personal opinion. Quotations with over 40 words should be written in italic, font size 9, indented 0,75cm from the left margin and 0,75cm from the right margin.
Omissions of words or sentences from a direct citation should be indicated as follows: […]. For insertions of own text into citations, authors should use brackets: [ ].
For all numbers less than 100, use all digits (e.g. 4-10; 53-54; 86-109). For numbers 101-109/201-209/etc., use the changed part of the number only (e.g. 103-7; 505-47). For numbers 110-199/210-299/etc. use two digits unless more are needed to include all changed parts (e.g. 432-39; 478-513; 11323-426). Do not use abbreviations for page numbers (e.g. “p” or “pp”).
Please cite a particular reference in full when citing it for the first time. In a note, cite a specific pate. In the bibliography, include the entire page range for a chapter or an article.
Please use shortened notes when citing a particular reference repeatedly (i.e. Surname, Shortened title, Page number).
Surname, Name. Year. Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Surname, Name and Name Surname. Year. Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Surname, Name / Surname, Name and Name Surname. Year. Book title. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Surname, Name. (ed.). Year. Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Surname, Name and Name Surname. (eds.). Year. Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Surname, Name / Surname, Name and Name Surname. (eds.). Year. Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Surname, Name. Year. Chapter title, in Book title, edited by Surname, Name. Place of publication: Publisher, page numbers.
Surname, Name. Year. Article title. Journal title volume(issue number), page numbers. N.B.: Please do not use a free space between volume and issue number.
Surname, Name. Year. Paper title. Paper at the xx Conference, Place, full date.
Surname, Name. Year. Paper title. Working Paper. Place of publication: Publisher.
Surname, Name. Year. Title. MA/PhD-thesis. Place of publication: Publisher.
Surname, Name. Title (accessed: full date). N.B.: Please put a hyperlink to the source on the title.
Surname, Name. Year. Article title. Newspaper title, full date, pages. N.B.: Please put a hyperlink to the source on the title and leave out pages, if you refer to online newspapers.
Movie title (dir. Name Surname, Year).
Publications by the same author published in the same year have to be distinguished using alphabetic letters (a, b, c):
Surname, Name. Year a. Title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Surname, Name. Year b. Title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Table 1: Type here the table’s title (font size 8, left-aligned)
heading, font size 8, centred setting | heading, font size 8, centred setting | heading, font size 8, centred setting | |
text, font size 8, left-aligned | text, font size 8, centred setting | text, font size 8, centred setting | text, font size 8, centred setting |
Source: text (font size 8, left-aligned)
Figure 1: Type here the diagram’s title (font size 8, left-aligned)
Source: text (font size 8, left-aligned)
Freedom of expression is critical to academic publishing. However, CSE does not support publishing false statements that harm the reputation of individuals, groups, or organisations. CSE is fully committed to the principle and promotion of freedom of speech and expression and will not be complicit in censorship.
CSE is a fully open access journal. This means that all articles are available online via the journal’s website.
Non-commercial use and distribution is allowed free of charge, provided the author and the journal are properly and fully credited. CSE does not charge fees for submission and processing.
The Contemporary Southeastern Europe is a bi-annual journal, publishing one summer and one winter issue.
All articles published are available on the journal’s website in electronic form.